
February 5, 2016

The Three Different Types of ADHD | Loving a Child with ADHD

It’s true. ADHD is now the only term used, but it’s broken up into three different classifications. A person can have “Inattentive ADHD,” “Hyperactive ADHD,” or “Combined ADHD.” I want to explain the differences of these to you because it’s important for people to be properly informed. The general public is still using the term “ADD,” which is no longer accurate and can cause miscommunication errors when used inappropriately.

Parenting for Intelligence and Success

The American Psychological Association recently published a review of the top 20 principles from the psychological research, concepts with proven effectiveness in the teaching/learning process. Eighteen of these principles apply to parenting for acade...

Depression in Children

How common is depression in children? Depression occurs in 1-2% of children before puberty.You can even see depression in preschoolers, although it’s much less common. That usually occurs when there’s a strong family history of depression. After puberty the rate of depression increases significantly to about 3-8%, with a higher rate in girls than boys. One in five teens will have experienced a depressive disorder by the time they reach adulthood. What does depression look like in children?

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